Trophies & Awards

The best of show is the top award for the event, this is the car that is chosen to represent the event during the next year on all advertising materials and on the event T-Shirts. This car is the best of the best and means that you’ve been chosen to be our poster vehicle for the year!

The Platinum Award is the top of the “Gold Class”. This car is the top of the food chain when it comes to the event. Each year 20 Gold Class cars are chosen that stand out from the rest.

Classic award means your vehicle was chosen to win an award at the Classic at Pismo Beach. Each award winner receives a trophy and a goodie bag from Mothers Polish.

Each year 20 vehicles are pulled from the pack and chosen based on their attention to detail and perfection. Each Gold Class car is automatically an award winner and is parked in the Premier Sponsor Lot with the other Gold Class Cars. These cars are hand picked. To be eligible for the Gold Class your car must be absolutely perfect, every screw, bolt and detail of the car is closely scrutinized and special attention must be paid to it’s details. To get in as a Gold Class Car you must request for one of our staff to come out and look at your car during check in on Thursday or Friday and see if you qualify. Only 20 cars are chosen for this special section.
NEW AWARDS in 2019: